This intellectual output consists in the proposal of a semester or module curriculum corresponding to
– cross-border semester/module in mechatronics in the framework of post-graduate programmes
– based on peer-to-peer learning combined with project-based learning.
With the word “cross-border”, we mean transnational exchange either through students’ real mobility between the partners or through students’ virtual mobility thanks to IT. It is worth mentioning that this latter modality could allow students impeded from spending a semester abroad to benefit from international experience in learning as well as in peer-learning and peer-teaching.
The expected impacts are:
– students taking a more responsible and active role in their study management.
– students with cross-functional skills, used to social working interaction with people from different cultural and scientific backgrounds
– students skilled in complex problem solving and collaborative problem solving, able to develop their “learning agility” to face any nonroutine multidisciplinary tasks later, during their career.
– bringing young graduated people on the mechatronics job market with the required knowledge and skills.
– teachers adopting a student-centered approach and able to implement peer learning in their practice at a post-graduate level.
The final report of this intellectual output is available in English, French, German and Romanian versions.
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