This document is the intellectual output 2 of the XP2P project. It aims to provide a methodological framework for the implementation of peer learning, coupled with project-based learning in an international context and in a postgraduate programme (Master’s level) in the teaching of a whole of a whole peer learning semester/module. The document presents the results of the study of the scientific literature to identify the existing methods in peer learning. Thus, the main methods used in peer learning are: reciprocal peer tutoring, class-wide peer tutoring, peer assessment, think-pair-share, discovery method, eportfolio evaluation, brainstorming, problem situations/case studies. Then, the document describes the methods implemented by the three partners respectively with their master’s students in mechatronics during the project.

Finally, the feedback collected from the teachers and from the students is presented. This methodological framework should be helpful for further implementations in the future and in other disciplines by giving suggestions of peer activities, indicating their pros and cons according to the teaching team’s and students’ point of view.

The document is available in English, French, German and Romanian versions.

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