This intellectual output proposes a review and mapping of research related to peer to peer learning. The modern methods of teaching – learning – evaluation are student-centered and put the student in the foreground. They are focused on developing skills allowing the student to actively participate in the assimilation of information. In order to be able to picture the evolution in time of the peer to peer learning method and to identify the current stage in which this modern method is, we propose a diagram based on the scientific articles published every year since 1996 up to now.
The advantages brought to individuals by peer-to-peer learning are also identified from the information reported in the most relevant scientific papers. Among the main advantages of this method, we can highlight: the development of organizational skills, of critical thinking and problem solving, of increased flexibility regarding interaction, as well as the decrease of stress and anxiety of individuals. Some specific characteristics of teaching in mechatronics as well as the treatment of the methods that gave good results are also identified. One of these methods is project-based learning which experienced very good results indeed.
Intellectual Output 1:
English version of the document available here
Romanian version of the document available here

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